You would have to be a serious Leyland P76 fanatic to even contemplate building a couch from the rear end of a P76. Yet, someone has done it. Following on in the long line of couches from the Cadillac couch, the Falcon couch etc - we now have a Leyland P76 Couch.
It has some very neat touches - the centre console from the front with the BW-35 transmission gear shifter has been fitted, and I suspect it has been widened slightly to accommodate two, based on the overhang compared to the Leyland P76 bumper bar. Its entirely possible that the builder has just used the diecast metal rear indicator surrounds and built a couch around those.
The actual creator of this piece of art is unknown - but the editors of Westword - the magazine for the Western Australian Leyland P76 Owners Club - would like to know. They produce an excellent magazine, always full of interesting article on the Leyland P76, motoring in Australia and club activities. You can join the club and obtain their magazine by emailing the club at:
Lisa Taylor
Will be able to assist